3 Tips For Creating Corporate Training Videos
Training new hires can be a time-intensive job, one which can be difficult to juggle along with the normal operations of the business. While many tasks need to be learned on the job, there are generally some items that can be taught in a classroom setting. Training videos work exceptionally well for this purpose since they don't require as much staff to implement each training session. Further, using videos ensures all new hires are provided with the same information. The following are three tips for making a training video.
#1: Give a face to the material
People connect better when they have a single person to connect with. To achieve this in a training video, use a narrator or lecturer to guide the video. The narrator may only be on screen for a moment, such as during the opening, closing, or a transition scene, but being able to connect the face to a voice delivering the content can improve the effectiveness of the video.
Make sure your narrator speaks clearly and in a pleasant tone. They also should have a neat appearance and good posture with strong body language as they look into the camera. This will help establish expertise and authority in the training subject, which will help your new hires better connect with the material.
#2: Aim for short and sweet
It is better to have several short training videos, delivered at intervals, as opposed to one long video shown in a single training session. Break up the material into 5 to 15 minute long segments by focusing on only one or two key subjects per video. This way you can combine classroom video lectures with hands-on training on the work floor or via group classroom exercises.
You can further improve trainee engagement with a video training program by inserting some active learning techniques into the video itself, such as pause points for on-screen "quizzes" where the trainees can test their knowledge and make sure they understand the material.
#3: Don't shy from variety
Just because the training videos are short and delivered in modules is not reasons to make them all cookie cutter versions of each other. Instead, vary the presentation from video to video, allowing your narrator to provide the consistency between each video module.
For example, one video may use footage of staff completing the tasks that are the subject of the video, while the next may use a whiteboard-style presentation of the workflow. You can use one or two different types of footage for each training video to keep it visually interesting and engaging.
For more help, contact a video production service in your area.